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Getting a new water heater may not be at the top of your list of desired home improvements, but it's essential to pay attention to the signs of failing water heaters.
Most standard water heaters have a typical lifespan of 10 years, while tankless water heaters have a typical lifespan of 20 years. If you notice that your water heater is getting to be around those ages, it might be time to think about getting a new water heater installed by a professional.
Insufficient or no hot water could be a result of many different things. Before completely replacing your water heater, ensure that your gas line is fully functional and that the pilot light on your water heater works. If both of those things are functioning correctly, it may be time to get a new water heater.
Water heaters lose efficiency the older they get and lose capacity with excess mineral buildup. That’s why it's crucial to replace your water heater every 8-12 years to make sure all your hot water needs are met.
While some water heater issues can be repaired, it's essential to recognize which damages are not worth repairing.
Things like small leaks on the exterior of your water heater can be super easy to fix, while leaks due to rust and corrosion present a threat of your water heater bursting. Be sure to look out for puddles or unusual sounds coming from your water heater, so you can catch any damages early and have a better chance of repair.
If you notice discolored water coming from any of your taps, it's important to have a professional check on your water heater. Rusty water is a clear sign that your water heater has rusted from age and might be at risk of bursting. To avoid unnecessary water damage from a burst water heater, don’t ignore rusty water.
Call a plumbing professional at High Speed Plumbing if you notice any of these signs happening to your water heater. We can help you decide if it's time to replace your water heater and if it is, discuss what type of water heater is best for your home!
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